
Karya ini mencakup sejarah aespa dan "hal-hal pertama" dari debut mereka, konser solo pertama mereka di hadapan penonton di Amerika, pidato mereka di Markas PBB, interaksi mereka dengan para senior mereka di SMTOWN, dan penampilan mereka di Seoul pada awal tur dunia pertama mereka "SYNK:HYPER LINE". Kamera mengikuti mereka tidak hanya di belakang panggung, tetapi juga rapat dan sesi latihan. Jangan lewatkan beragam live footage di atas panggung. Selain itu, dalam wawancara terbaru, mereka mengungkapkan fakta baru yang mengejutkan bahwa "di masa lalu, mereka berlatih dengan konsep yang sama sekali berbeda dari sekarang," dan berbicara tentang pemikiran mereka tentang penampilan solo mereka di tur dunia. Di tahun 2024, kita dapan melihat "Next Level" dari aespa.

This work covers aespa's history and "firsts" from their debut, their first solo concert in front of an audience in the US, their speech at the United Nations Headquarters, their interactions with their seniors at SMTOWN, and their Seoul performance at the start of their first world tour "SYNK:HYPER LINE". The camera follows them not only backstage, but also meetings and practice sessions. Don't miss the diverse live footage mixed on stage. In addition, in the newly filmed interview, they reveal the surprising new fact that "in the past, they practiced with a completely different concept than now,"and talk about their thoughts on their solo performances on the world tour. Now in 2024, this work allows us to reaffirm what "Next Level" aespa was aiming for.